Old West Downs Society – Memories of the Cornes Era, 1954-1988

From Rupert Ponsonby, 1961-65

West Downs Memories

1. 1965, opened the batting for WD 1st team against a team from Portsmouth Grammar School: we declared at 141 for no wicket : I always regretted that decision because, I later learnt, Jerry gave a cricket ball if you scored 50, a bat if you scored 100, and a cricket net at 150. We were only on the ’ball’ stage.

2. 1963. Watching Onyama (?) from Nigeria running out of breath while collecting lead weights from the bottom of the swimming pool and lying limp on the bottom before being dragged out and revived.

3. 1964. Madly purchasing fresh full grown flowers from Hillier’s in a vain attempt at winning the gardening prize.

4. 1962/1963 – waiting for summer and the necessary heat to melt the lump of butter flicked – during winter – onto the dining room ceiling: Summer never came!

Adios & Good Luck

Rupert Ponsonby