Old West Downs Society — ex-Staff

This Analysis made on Thursday, 15th May 2014

The following is a list of ex-Staff by area

Borders: S. Fuller-Shapcott.

Cumbria Region, Coniston and Furness: G.E.L. Senior.

Eastern Region, Essex: A. May.

Eastern Region, Hertfordshire: T. Campbell-Gray.

East Midlands Region, Northampton: J. Rees.

East Midlands Region, Northamptonshire: M. Sanders.

East Midlands Region, South Notts: S. Blenkinsop.

London Region, Central London (South): J. Baker.

North Region, North and East Northd: K.W. Bickmore.

North West Region, Cheshire: J.S. Fitz-Gerald; M. Horrocks.

Southern Region, Hampshire: Bailey; C. Baird; J. Bates; J. Bazelgette; J.F. Christie; C. Exton; J. Gill; G.W.T. Hammond; D. Inglis; D. Johnston; T. Jones; L.J. Kay; C.J.I. Maxse; E. Merriman; W.I. Morrison; A. Oosthuizen; C. Phelips; E.M. Schilling; D.L. Shears; A. Thurley; P. Vellacott; C. Watts; A. White; J. Whiticar.

West Midlands Region, Shropshire: P. Erskine.

West Midlands Region, Worcestershire: G.M. Singleton.

Wessex Region, Dorset: B.M. Spibey; D.J. Watkins.

Wessex Region, Somerset: M.E.K. Kefford; M.R.F. Simson.

Common Market: V. CarrŠre; M.M. Temple.

Nick Hodson, Membership Secretary